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DementiaNet is an intuitive, interactive website that offers well-presented information, an active  online community of people with lived and shared experience, along with a structured  planning tool, to help anyone impacted by dementia to manage life and get plans in place.

Why we are doing this:

There are many reasons, but primarily it’s to alleviate what is a challenging, overwhelming and largely unsupported journey for individuals with dementia, their families, loved ones, carers and friends to go through when navigating life with dementia.

Our world is now undeniably digital and whilst for some that can make life easier, for many of us it adds a whole new level of challenges, especially when our cognitive ability begins to decline. 

Our objective is to provide a simple, successful place people can go to connect with others, and access and store invaluable information. Online communities across the world provide a lifeline to many, providing support and lived experiences from people who are impacted by dementia.  

We know there is  wealth of knowledge out there;  our community is brimming with people who want to help others by  sharing their experience and empowering others. 

As more and more local services close, we can see how lonely and challenging this journey is for anyone to navigate.  We want to create something that facilitates the power of the community; a place that’s never closed.

By adopting and harnessing digital technology and - crucially - making it user-friendly, DementiaNet provides a space for people to come together, gain knowledge and feel empowered to put plans in place.

It's about peer support and quality, easy to navigate information, lived experience, professional expertise and a simple, secure planning tool- all designed to reduce overwhelm and isolation.